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Legit Career Path?

8 months ago, I only had a vague idea of what “drop shipping” was, and how it worked (at least on any serious scale). Now that I’ve been an affiliate with Drop Ship Domination (DSD), my eyes have been seriously opened to how big an opportunity this is for people all over the world. My grasp of the scale of the opportunity grows all the time, as I see friends of ours climbing to new heights in their own drop shipping businesses.  I’m going to share some of these results with you here in this post and see if I can’t help open your eyes to what’s right within your grasp!

I’ve had the benefit (and joy) of watching a bunch of my friends go from (basically) broke to completely independent, highly mobile, top 1% income earners over the past 8 months.

And the best part?  Anyone can start down this path for next to no risk, very part time!

So what is “drop shipping” anyway?

I grabbed a really good definition from Wikipedia for you here:

Drop Shipping defined

The training I’ve been recommending to friends for the past 8 months starts you off in Drop Shipping at a very basic level.  I call it “kindergarten for drop shippers” 🙂  This allows people to test the waters here, quickly getting a feel for what the “work” is like, how the training flows and progresses, and what it’s like to make profit out of thin air!

So…what can be achieved quickly with your own drop shipping business?

Check out some recent success stories!

Nancy L - $1000 first month

Jenny O - sales!

Kim D - stay at home mom making money

Ike N - guess who


Mary F - first week, 9 sales!


I’ve taken each of these from our private Facebook group, where over 2400 of us “hang out” and talk shop.  I literally have over 1300 more screenshots like these. I could go and go, each story so exciting to see and hear! Literally thousands of us have gone through this drop ship “kindergarten” and then progressed from there, many taking this “part time side thing” to serious life changing, job quitting heights.

Here are some testimonials from people that have really taken Drop Shipping seriously:

Epic Elite and Monopoly profits

Jason T - early genesis success

Ronae J - entire shipment sold out fast


Jason O - total life change

Will you be next?