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I run into people like this all the time…and I was “one of these people” not too long ago!

Are you stuck on an escalator?

There’s opportunities everywhere in our lives for us to choose to feel (or be) stuck. Is this you, in one or more areas of your life?


This old tv commercial is so profound. I hope this isn’t lost on you. Last year, I realized that I had been “stuck on an escalator” for a long time. Another vivid analogy for this is… I realized I was a giant, that was drowning in 3 inches of water.

I was sitting on a stalled escalator…

It’s so easy to choose to feel helpless.

Yes, I did say “choose to feel helpless”. That is a choice. Unfortunately, it’s a choice I’ve made from time to time in my past.

When I chose to start making money online with the most awesome community of people from all over the world that you’ll ever meet, everything started changing for me. It was around that time that I was starting to understand that I had, in effect, been sitting on that stalled escalator.

And that’s key…you have to open your own eyes and understand that YOU are in control. You are where you are, as a result of your best thinking.

I heard a friend recently say:

“You won’t build a life of ultimate freedom and flexibility based on minimum wage thinking and work ethic”


One change that I made last fall has helped me stand tall, stop whining, stop “drowning”, and actually make a difference in life. It’s put my family and I in that enviable position of having total freedom and flexibility in our day to day lives. It’s given me supreme confidence in myself and my own abilities…I could go on and on.

No more sitting on a stalled escalator for me.

It feels GOOD.

You deserve this.

Go look at the information product I bought last fall that started my total transformation here – but don’t just look at it. Stand up, take charge, pull the trigger on this. $25 gets you into the game.

It’s fun, it’s empowering, and it’s lucrative!