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Hangout with Sam Crowley of Every Day is Saturday

I Had lots of fun with Sam Crowley on this hangout!  We’ve been friends for about a year now, one of the best speakers I’ve seen in action, and LOVE his “every day is saturday” message!!  Hear more of my story, check out Sam and his...

List Building & Engagement 101 (Are you building a list?)

I see so many marketers these days NOT building, and NOT engaging a list. It’s a huge mistake. HUGE. Build a List = Build an Asset (Yours…YOU own it!) The older I’ve gotten, the more I’ve become interested in working smart. The past 18 months...

Moving from Aweber to GetResponse – Why?

I’m a relatively new internet marketer, and have used Aweber since the beginning (which, for me, is about 17 months ago).  I’m not real “techy”, so this review will not include integration info or anything else beyond pretty basic day to day...