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How To Have A “Million Dollar Personality”

Simple post today, thanks to Napoleon Hill, author of “Think and Grow Rich” (one of the best selling books of all time). He wrote about a specific set of habits that make people so likable that others go out of their way to help them. Amazing. How valuable...

Hangout with Sam Crowley of Every Day is Saturday

I Had lots of fun with Sam Crowley on this hangout!  We’ve been friends for about a year now, one of the best speakers I’ve seen in action, and LOVE his “every day is saturday” message!!  Hear more of my story, check out Sam and his...

Please please please don’t be these people…

I run into people like this all the time…and I was “one of these people” not too long ago! Are you stuck on an escalator? There’s opportunities everywhere in our lives for us to choose to feel (or be) stuck. Is this you, in one or more areas of your life? ***...

Who’s really going to win? (It’s not who you think!)

So, everyone on Facebook is talking about the Presidential debate tonight… I wanted to toss this out onto the interwebs before I head to bed… I don’t care who you plan on voting for, one thing is true: The person who has the MOST control over your quality of life in...